Friday, October 29, 2010

Round 4 of Chemo

Since I never fully regained 100% after Round #3, I am combining a few of my posts from a cancer patient website for this blog post.

Night before:
So I’m ready for round #4 – as ready as you can be. I actually was nauseous the last couple of days and I know it is my body bracing for this round. Stupid Round #3 was so nasty I’ve been really dreading this one. Luckily, last night I had a nice long Reiki session. First, I feel blessed to have found a Reiki practitioner only 7 miles from my house. Plus, she has a lot of experience dealing with cancer patients. The session really zapped me – which has always been the case for me. I just seem to be very receptive to Reiki. I’m hoping that all of the clean eating this week added to the Reiki might help me cope with Round #4. I’ll definitely let you know.

Evening of:
I actually do think that the Reiki made a difference. The nausea wasn’t near as bad this time. Still there but last time I wasn’t even sure I’d make it through the premeds. 6 hours this time so not bad but still a long day. I enjoyed watching Evil Dead – it had been a long time since I had watched it and was giggling nonstop at the “Zombies.” Let me tell you my Zombies are much more fierce. Now I plan to relax and pray for sleep. I’m going try the two valium trick and hope to sleep till time for my Neulasta shot.

Morning after:
Thank goodness the 2 valium trick worked again. I slept for 10 hours straight last night. Now it is the battle with nausea…wee! my favorite part. Take the Zofran and the Emend but still nauseous and added bonus the Zofran headache. Thankfully my husband is home today so I have a ride to the doctor for my Neulasta shot and someone else to deal with all the food smells. Talk to you all soon.

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