Thursday, August 26, 2010

Cancer Beware!

Morning of first round of Chemo and I am ready to get this started. Cancer has me angry and I am ready for a fight. So I say go ahead you nasty cancer sneak around and hide in all your favorite spots but I’ve had a PET Scan. I know where you are and I’m gonna be armed with R-CHOP and I will find you and tear you apart bit by bit and cell by cell until you’re history. You picked the wrong person. My life is now an action movie and you're the bad guy. Hasta la Vista Cancer!


  1. Go get them R-CHOP! We love you both!

  2. great attitude, keep doing the visualization work. And rest when you can.
    love and light diane

  3. Beautiful picture and spirit. We are all with you in thoughts and prayers.

    Mother and all family plus friends

  4. You could really kick some cancer but in an orange Alias wig ;). Love you!

  5. Thanks for all the updates!~ We feel like we are right there with you in the fight. I do think you need an orange and a blue Alias wig.
